Everyone, the proposal for the off-boarding of Verihash and the steps that are required to execute it has been published on the

17 Nov 2022, 20:41
Everyone, the proposal for the off-boarding of Verihash and the steps that are required to execute it has been published on the StakeWise DAO forum 🚨 Inside, you will find: - the migration plan πŸ“œ - the discussion of the decisions regarding the distribution of Verihash's validator keys among the remaining operators on both Ethereum and Gnosis Chain πŸ’¬ - the proposal to introduce a structural change to StakeWise's product on the Gnosis Chain, namely to increase the staking fee to 15% from 10% πŸ“ˆ - the links to the Snapshot for each proposed move πŸ›οΈ We ask that every SWISE holder gets familiar with the proposed changes and expresses their opinion in the relevant Snapshots (there are 3 in total). LFG πŸš€